About Us

The alarming rise in milk adulteration is causing significant damage to the societal health.. The presence of BCM 7 in the  regular milk (A1 Milk) increases to greater extent the likelihood of Type 1 Diabetes, Cardio Vascular Diseases,  Autism and other nuerological disorders. According to official WHO data India tops the list of countries with highest number of Diabetes in the world.

The National Institute of Nutrition recommends that consuming a diet balanced in all essential food groups , Micro and Macro nutrients will stave off the risk of diabetes and a range of other non communicable diseases. 

Our Vedic literature reveals the importance of cow milk and its immense benefit in uplifting the societal health. The dairy farming community has long neglected the native breed of cows due to its low yield and the  Indian cows are almost on the verge of extinction We are here to revive our tradition of rearing our superior breed of native cows. Our GowPalas are highly educated and successful people in different streams of life. Their Primary focus is to promote societal health by adopting traditional vedic practices.

Our Gowpalas

Major Mukund

Pradhan Gowsevak

Major Mukund has served the nation in the Indian Army. He has also held Senior Management positions in Telecom and Financial Sectors. Major is a passionate Gowsevak and has done a study on Vedic Indian Cows and its potential benefits in creating an healthy society.


IT Professional

Aravind an IT Professional based at US has been a keen cow lover. He has a rich knowledge on nutrition and Vedic dietary practices. Aravind has pledge to support adoption of over 200 Indian Cows in a 3 year period